Opposite Office
is an activistic architecture studio led by Benedikt Hartl.
Opposite Office draws, writes, imagines and builds architectural stories.
The (opposite) office was founded in 2017 and is located in Munich. We are engaged in the fields of architecture, society and its interfaces. Opposite Office is an award-winning studio which works between reality and fiction. We seek to re-imagine and rethink architecture within its social and spatial mission. Opposite Office is a politically and socially engaged practice that tries to contribute to the questions and challenges of our society. Our work has been published and exhibited worldwide.
Benedikt Hartl
I studied architecture at the Technical University in Munich, at the School Of Architecture and Design in Oslo and at Ardhi University in Dar Es Salaam. Before starting my own architectural practice in 2017, I worked as an architect and project manager for 5 years in different architectural practices in Paris, Zurich and Munich. From 2013-2015, I taught at the Chair of Architectural Design at TU Munich. From 2017-2022, I was a research assistant at the Chair of Building Construction and Building Materials Science with a research focus on cost-efficient and sustainable building. Since 2022, I have been teaching at the Chair of Architecture and Construction with Prof. Kuo at TU Munich. Since 2014, I have also held various teaching positions at different colleges and universities in Germany and abroad, including the University of Kyoto, UCD Dublin, Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences and the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague. In 2023 I have a visiting professorship at Arusha Technical College in Arusha, Tanzania. In 2023, I was elected to the Young Academy at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities and the National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina.
Team I collaborators
Benedikt Hartl benedikt@oppositeoffice.com
Johanna Heim johanna@oppositeoffice.com
Kilian Berndt kilian@oppositeoffice.com
ehemalige Mitarbeiter I former collaborators
Thomas Haseneder
Jonas Kögl
Max Loeschke
Katerina Marinaki
Leon Wipfler
Vincent Kern
Megi Davitidze
Zina Arborranu
Bibo Tian
Teresa Eberl
Thorge Mattuschka
Julia Dörrmann
Finn Fukas
Sanziana Maximeasa
Projekte I projects
Das kleinste Museum Niederösterreichs, AUT, 2023
Recycling House, Arusha, TZA 2023
Castello Congresso, Brasilia, GRA 2023
Slawa Ukrajini, Friedensengel München, GER 2022
un:confortable village, Hjertelia, NOR 2022
Nord Stream 3, Lublin, GER 2022
Volcanic Platform, Hverfall, ISL 2022
Capitol Castle, Washington D.C., USA 2021
UFO, Teisnach, GER 2020
I am a Trooper!, räumliches Orientierungssystem, Caritas, Munich, GER 2020
10 Thesen zu einer postpandemischen Architektur, Lichtenfels, GER 2020
Covid-19 Superhospital BER, Berlin GER 2020
Ruin House, SVK 2020
Werkstatt für behinderte Menschen Wendelstein, Rosenheim, GER 2019
Affordable Palace, London, GBR 2019
Glasgow 2168, Glasgow, Scotland, GBR 2018
Ocean(a)way, Meeresmuseum, PRT, 2018
in-invisible bin, Better Bin, New York, USA 2018
Das amphibische Haus, Saalburg-Ebersdorf, Thüringen, GER 2018
Nordlicht auf Rädern, Gästehäuser in Myvatn Lake, ISL 2018
Infinity Pool, Pool mit Spabereich in Mühldorf, GER 2018
Luce nel castello, Umbau einer Burg in Favignana, Sicily, ITA 2018
(in)visible, Konzept für einen Zoo, Barcelona, ESP 2018
The New Australian Dream, Affordable Housing in Sydney, AUS 2018
New Skogfinsk Museum in Svullrya, NOR 2017
loculamenturbanum, Ludwigsburg, GER, 2017
Anbau an ein bestehendes Einfamilienhaus in Altötting, GER, 2017
Berlin unter:stadt, BDA Galerie Berlin, GER, 2017
Das Schwarze Haus, Ottobrunn, GER, 2016
Dachgeschossausbau in München, GER, 2016
Haus Manuel, Einfamilienhaus in St. Leonhard, GER, 2015
Haus Angelika, Traunstein, GER, 2014
reboare:arcus, Umbau Heizkraftwerk, Munich, GER, 2012
Tetum Sculptura, Mehrfamilienhaus in Munich, GER, 2011
Lagerfeuer, Installation, Munich, GER, 2009
NSTMACHTSPRACHL, Installation, Munich, GER, 2008
Auszeichnungen I awards
Rome prize, Villa Massimo, GER/ITA 2024
1st prize, Europan 17: Living Cities 2 - Helsinki, international open competion FIN 2023
Artist in Residence, The Josef and Anni Albers Foundation, West Cork, 05/08 2024, IRE 2023
Special Mention, Growing Villages - the future is not metropolitan, Institute francais, FRA 2023
Election Young Academy and National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, GER 2023
Honorable Mention, Housing in Berlin Brandenburg: affordable, biological, accessible, GER 2023
1st prize, Most Provocative Political Architecture Studio 2023, Build Awards, GBR 2023
2nd prize, Museum Pulkau, international competition, AUT 2023
1st prize, Berlin Design Award, GER 2023
Winner Open Call artfestival "Begegnungen", GER 2023
1st prize Leading Innovators in Activist Architecture, GBR 2022
Nomination 8th annual Real Estate & Property Award, Staffordshire, GBR 2022
Special Scholarship "Initial New Cooperations", Academy of Arts, GER 2022
Nomination Förderpreis der Landeshauptstadt München, GER 2022
Scholarship at Acadmy of Arts Berlin, GER 2021
Finalist Caesar Design Film Award, ITA 2022
Special Mention, Europan 16, Living Cities - Hjertelia, NOR 2021
Berlin Design Award, Driven x Design, GER 2021
Selection Open Call Milano Design Film Festival ITA 2022
Winner Open Call Crossroads - Building the Resilient City, SBAU, KOR 2021
Honorable Mention, Call for Ideas Liebling Haus Tel Aviv, ISR 2021
Winner Open Call All the Beauties of the Cities, FAP, CZE 2020
Winner Open Call What do we have in common?, TAB, GEO 2020
Finalist, One Drawing Challenge, Architzer, Brooklyn, New York, USA 2020
1st prize, Social Design Award, DER SPIEGEL, jury prize, GER 2019
award "IBA Kandidat", International Building Exhibition Thuringia, GER 2019
1st prize, workshop for disabled people, national competition, Rosenheim, GER 2019
Honorable Mention, Affordable Housing, international competition, London, GBR 2019
1st prize Competition What is Affordable Housing?, Archive, LVA 2019
2nd prize, XS New experimental holiday houses, international competition, GER 2018
1st prize buildingside shipyard, IBA Thuringia, GER 2018
Honorable Mention, OCEAN seamuseum, PRT 2018
Honorable Mention, Art Prison, international competition, Sicily, ITA 2018
nomination, SARP Award, GER 2012
Price for Form and Expression in Design, AHO Oslo, NOR 2011
Honorable Mention, "Zurück in die Stadt - Bauen in der Lücke", Baumeister, GER 2011
Ausstellungen I exhibitions
Uncomfortable village, Growing Villages - the future is not metropolitan, AIT-Salon, GER 2023
Wohnungsbau in Berlin und Brandenburg: bezahlbar, biologisch, barrierefrei, 16.11.23, GER 2023
etc.pp, Palais Daetz-Centrum, 17.-27.08., Lichtenstein, GER 2023
nyumba kutoka kwa takataka, 13.1.-31.3., Arusha, TZA 2023
Notstromaggregat, 2.12.22-29.1.22 , Museum Penzberg, GER 2022
architecture & activism, 19.9. – 2.10.2022, Kornhausforum Bern, CHE 2022
Slawa Ukrajini, Friedensengel, 7. Architekturwoche, München, GER 2022
Förderpreis Landeshauptstadt München in der Lothringer13, München, GER 2022
Perlen, Architekturgalerie München, GER 2022
Capitol Castle, Milano Design Film Festival ITA, 2022
Memories, AIT ArchitekturSalon, München/ Hamburg, GER 2021
Welcome to the Re_Public' exhibition, Tel Aviv, ISR 2021
Building the Resilient City, Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism, KOR 2021
Ausstellung zur Biennale di Venezia, Giudecca Art District, ITA 2021
What do we have in common, Tblisi Architecture Biennial, GEO 2020
Grüne Perlen Jubiliäumsausstellung, Architekturgalerie, GER 2020
Post Corona City Bayr. Staatsministerium für Wohnen, Bau und Verkehr, GER 2020
Beyond Crisis Archiv der Zukunft, Lichtenfels, GER 2020
Karlin Ex/Change, Vi PER Gallery Prag, CZE 2020
Victoria & Albert Museum, London, GBR 2019
STADTLAND - Die Ausstellung der IBA Thüringen, Apolda, GER 2019
Umbauen, Neubauen, Selbermachen, Weimar, GER 2019
GIA The Glasgow Institute of Architects, Glasgow, SCT 2019
Rathaus Rheydt, Mönchengladbach, GER 2018
Wohnen 2068, München, GER 2018
W A F 6, Stuttgart, GER 2018
IBA Thüringen, Eiermannbau, Apolda, GER 2018
Zentralbibliothek Carl-Brandts-Haus Mönchengladbach, GER 2018
XS, Hotel Fürstenhöhe Saalburg-Ebersdorf, GER 2018
Art Prison, Favignana, Sicily, ITA 2018
Hin und Weg Wohn- und Lebensräume in Ludwigsburg, GER 2018
Berlin Neustadt 40/40, BDA Berlin, GER 2017
Reminiscence, Architekturgalerie München, GER 2016
Zur eigenen Erbauung, Königssall der TU München, GER 2011
Redesigning Kariakoo, Cityhall, Dar Es Salaam, TZA 2010
AHO Works, Oslo, NOR 2010
Aufsätze I writings
born in a forest, in: living cities, FRA 2022
Manifesto for the Social City, in: Data Book Seoul Biennale of Architecture, KOR 2022
The social power of architecture, in: What do we have in common?, Tbilisi, GEO 2022
Bauwende: Wie sie funktionieren könnte, in: ressourcenwende.net, GER 2021
Über Demokratie, in: Bauwelt 3/21, GER 2021
Über Architektur, Körperkontakt und Kinderschokolade, in: NXT A, GER 2021
Anders Leben, in: Figurationen der Wohnungsnot, Beltz Verlag, GER 2020
Schönheit der Anarchie, in: Perlen. Ausgewählte Freiräume in München, GER 2020
Drawing for Landscape Architects 2 Dom publishers, GER 2020
A story of the right to affordable housing, in: Dostupné spekulace, CZE 2020
Architecture as medium for political discussion, in: Review19 GER 2019
Projekt als Projektil, in: werk, bauen + wohnen, CHE 2019
Affordable Housing: Cost-efficient Models for the Future, GER 2019
ARCHIVE No.1 What is Affordable Housing? Archive Books, LTV 2019
England ist nicht zu beneiden, in: Bauwelt 5/19, GER 2019
Wohnungsbau - kostengünstige Modelle für die Zukunft, Detail Verlag, GER 2018
Herausgeber I editor
Reminiscence, Edition Architektur, München, GER 2016
Interviews I interview
Casa Vogue BRA 2023
Nachhaltigkeit, K3 GER 2022
Süddeutsche Zeitung GER 2022
Deutschlandfunk GER 2022
Frame magazine, Ausgabe September 21 NDL 2021
5 questions, 1 artist, involvedmag GBR 2021
Interview mit Titelstory, enki magazin, Volume 32 GBR 2021
Memories, AIT-Dialog, AIT GER 2021
archaic studio, aimage [im-ij] \ ˈim-ij \ GER 2021
Münchner Kirchenzeitung GER 2021
SPIEGEL 15.01. GER 2021
Review 1/21 GER 2021
KooZA/rch GBR 2021
Fast Company USA 2021
AIA Jahresausstellung GER 2021
Archiv der Zukunft GER 2020
architecture talk USA 2020
SqrFactor IND 2020
HTW Saar GER 2020
Ein Blick, Ausgabe 4/20 GER 2020
Zeit für radikale Ideen, Archithese CHE 2020
6 Fragen an Benedikt Hartl, Baumeister GER 2020
Süddeutsche Zeitung, 7.04. GER 2020
kntxtr GER 2020
France 2, 17.0120. FRA 2020
IIDA Perspective Fall/Winter 19 GBR 2019
Spiegel 12.11. GER 2019
archaic GER 2019
Baumeister 26.02. GER 2019
AD - Architectural Digest 4.02. GER 2019
beebreeders LVA 2018
Ostthüringische Zeitung, 8.10. GER 2018
TV and Radio
Mission Klimaschutz auf der Baustelle, ARD Mittagsmagazin, GER 13.07.2023
alpha-thema Gespräch: Stadt der Zukunft, ARD, GER 25.05.2023
Haus aus Plastikmüll in Tanzania, BR2, GER 28.01.2023
Neubau aus Altlasten, in: Abendschau, BR24, 20.01.2023
Wasserschloss aus Nordstream 2, Deutschlandfunk, GER 24.03.2022
Radical Architecture of Benedikt Hartl, Arts & Culture, Deutsche Welle, INT 15.08.2021
Radikales Bauen gegen die Wohnungsnot. ARD Mittagsmagazin, GER 31.07.2021
titel thesen temperamente, ARD, GER 24.07.2021
Architektur neu gedacht, ARD, GER 08.07.2021
Capriccio, Bayrischer Rundfunk, GER 07.07.2021
DAB+, GER 22.02.2021
Radio Charivari, GER 20.02.2021
rfo-nah statt fernsehen, GER 22.02.2021
Münchner Kirchenradio, GER 19.02.2021
TRT World, TUR 19.05.2020
France 2, FRA 17.01.2020
BNR, NDL 22.01.2019
Heart 96-107, GBR 23.01.2019
mdr, GER 10.10.2018
OTZ live, GER 09.10.2018
Baunetz Campus Podcast GER 2023
Architecture talk, University of Washington USA 2023
Corso Kunst und Pop, Deutschlandfunks, 24.03. GER 2022
What's Next - Rethinking Architecture,25.01. GER 2022
Let me... talk about it, 23.04.2021, TU Munich GER 2021
Architecture talk, 15.07.20, Seattle USA 2020
Publikationen I publications (selection)
Baunetz, GER 11.04.2023
Casa Vogue, BRA 20.01.2023
Dezeen, GBR 13.01.2023
Rossaprimavera, RUS 12.01.2023
Monopol Magazin, GER 28.09.2022
SPIEGEL Spezial 1/22 "Die Systemsprenger", GER 31.08.2022
Süddeutsche Zeitung, GER 21.08.2022
Architektur + Technik, CHE 01.07.2022
BR, GER 25.06.2022
Sleeper Magazine June 20, NLD 01.06.2022
Süddeutsche Zeitung, GER 24.06.2022
Baunetz, GER 20.04.2022
Süddeutsche Zeitung, GER 21.02.2022
Dezeen, GBR 18.03.2022
taz, GER 16.03.2022
Monopol Magazin, GER 11.03.2022
Hype & Hyper, HUN 21.03.2022
Archipanic, ITA 13.03.2022
Süddeutsche Zeitung, GER 13.03.2022
Baumeister, GER 21.02.2021
Baunetz, GER 10.02.2021
Bauwelt Ausgabe 3/2021, GER 05.02.2021
stir world, IND 29.01.2021
Chosun Ilbo, KOR 16.01.2021
SPIEGEL, GER 15.01.2021
KooZA/rch, GBR 14.01.2021
WA - World Architecture, CHN 13.01.2021
Archipanic, ITA 20.01.2021
Surface Magazine, USA13.01.2021
Wired Italia, ITA 12.01.2021
Feicon, BRA 12.01.2021
dezeen, GBR 11.01.2021
Fast Company, USA 11.01.2021
designboom, USA 08.01.2021
Postupne Spekulace, CZE 14.07.2020
VD El Mercurio N 1.242, ARG 25.04.2020
nxt-a, GER 21.04.2020
Dezeen, GBR 01.04.2020
azure Magazine, CAN 31.03.2020
designboom, USA 31.03.2020
archdaily, USA 31.03.2020
kntxtr, GER 21.02.2020
France 2, FRA 14.01.2019
Perspective, 28.12.2019
SPIEGEL WISSEN 4/2019, GER 01.05.2019
Werk, Bauen, Wohnen 4/2019, CHE 01.03.2019
Future architecture platform, INT 28.11.2019
Spiegel online, GER 12.11.2019
SPIEGEL, GER 05.10.2019
Bauwelt Ausgabe 5/2019, GER 16.05.2019
Architektur Fachmagazin, Ausgabe 03/2019, AUT 15.05.2019
IIDA Perspective Spring 2019, GBR 08.05.2019
Thüringer Allgemeine, GER 21.03.2019
Ostthüringer Zeitung, GER 21.03.2019
Bauwelt 5-2019, GER 08.03.2019
Baumeister, GER 26.02.2019
Architekturfakultät TUM, GER 13.02.2019
Sohu China, CHN 11.02.2019
AD - Architectural Digest, USA/GER 04.02.2019
Axis, JPN 04.02.2019
MY SME ŽENY, SVN 03.02.2019
Archithese, CHE 01.02.2019
Le Quotidien de l'Art N° 1561, FRA 31.01.2019
Le petit journal, FRA 31.01.2019
Hunter India, IND 30.01.2019
Tromaktiko, GRE 29.01.2019
patras Times, GRE 26.01.2019
medcom 26.01.2019
Al-Shorouk 24.01.2019
Tromaktiko 29.01.2019
Archdaily, USA 30.01.2019
Hallo München, GER 30.01.2019
Londonist, GBR 28.01.2019
Süddeutsche Zeitung Nr. 22, 75. Jahrgang/4.Woche, 25./26./27.01.2019
The UK.ONE, GBR 25.01.2019
Londynek, GBR 25.01.2019
Heart 96-107 23.01.2019
Unilad 24.01.2019
Daily Mail, GBR 23.01.2019
Metro, GBR 23.01.2019
Love Property 23.01.2019
71Republic 23.01.2019
DELFI 22.01.2019
DEZEEN, GBR 22.01.2019
HMAROCHOS Kiev, UKR 22.01.2019
1 NEWS UKRAINE, UKR 22.01.2019
De Bouwexpo (BNR), NDL 22.01.2019
Papaya.Rocks, HUN 21.01.2019
Tervlap, HUN 21.01.2019
Dezeen, GBR 20.01.2019
Strelka Mag, RUS 20.01.2019
La Razon 20.01.2019
archsovet 20.01.2019
Ukrinform, UKR 20.01.2019
Gazeta do Povo 18.01.2019
Shejipi 18.01.2019
Treehugger 17.01.2019
Dezeen online 17.01.2019
Time Of Change 16.01.2019
Marie Claire 16.01.2019
Labelmagazin 16.01.2019
designboom 16.01.2019
wa Wettbewerbe aktuell 1/19, 2019
Ostthüringer Zeitung, 5/1/19, 2019
Baunetz, 2019
USA News Hub, 2019
beebreeders, 28.11.2018
Ostthüringer Zeitung Oberland, 2018
Thüringer Allgemeine, 2018
IBA Thüringen, 8.10.2018
designboom 29.10.2018
Marie Claire Italia 10/18, 2018
Ostthüringer Zeitung, 2018
designboom, 25.06.2018
wa Wettbewerbe aktuell 2018
designboom, 08.06.2018
ArchiExpo, 2018
ArchiECHO, 2018
thearchitectureinsight, 2018
allcadblocks, 2018
Knowing.Design 2018
Art And Houses, 2018
ArchMag, 2018
Divisare, 2018
Afasiaarq, 2018
competiononline 2018
BETA, 2018
Axonometric, 2018
Hochparterre, 2017
Baumeister, 2016
Bauwelt 21-2011, 2011
Baumeister B6, 108. Jahrgang, Juni 2011
Münchner Merkur, 2011
Süddeutsche Zeitung Nr. 256, 2010
Jurie I jury
Painter's Lake House , Cernostes Lake, LVT 2022
Global Architecture & Design Awards, INT 2022
RTF - Rethink The Future, New Delhi, IND 2022
Skyhive 2022, AND 2022
Co-Living California, Archasm, USA 2021
Skyhive 2021, Beebreeders, AND 2021
Landscape of Care, Future Architecture Platform, INT 2021
SKYHIVE 2020, Beebreeders, AND 2020
light shadow, international competition, Ideasforward, GRE 2019
Vorträge I talks
Activist Architecture 向かいのオフィス, 06.10.2023, University of Kyoto, JAP 2023
Opposite Office. An Architectural lecture, 30.07.2023, Provo, Sapporo, JAP 2023
BDA Wechselgespräche, 26.06.2023, IBA'27 Festivalzentral, Stuttgart, GER 2023
Die Zukunft der Stadt-Landschaft 15.5.2023, OTH Regensburg, GER 2023
You can't always get what you want, 16.05.2023, Dienstagsreihe, TH Nürnberg, GER 2023
Werkvortrag, IU Internationale Hochschule, München, GER 2023
Why Disruption Unleashes Creativity, Munich Creative Business Week, München, GER 2023
OO - Werkbericht zum Tea Time Talk, Villa Massimo Rome, ITA 2023
less:comfort, Universität Kassel, GER 2023
Recycling Utopias, Arusha Technical College, TZA, 2023
Aktivistische Architektur, 17.02.2023, Potsdam, GER, 2023
Impulvortrag + Podiumsdiskussion, 18.11.2022, IZKT, Universität Stuttgart, GER 2022
comfortable, Technische Universität München, GER 2022
Architektur? Luftschlösser!, 25.10.22, Luftmuseum, Amberg, GER 2022
A Vernacular Utopia?, Umeå School of Architecture, SWE 2022
Baugespräche, University of Applied Science and Arts Hildesheim, GER 2022
lecture/discussion Opposite Office, Novac Vernovka SVK 2021
lecture, Archtung Co-cerstve ovocie, Bratislava, SVK 2021
lecture, Confluence Institute, Paris, FRA 2021
guest lecture, University Of Applied Science HSWT, GER 2021
let me ... talk about it, Medical Faculty, TU Munich, GER 2021
Architecture and Trash, Technical University Munich, GER 2021
lecture, University of Wuppertal, GER 2020
La nueva forma de construir, 9. Congreso de Infrastructura Hospitalaria, CHL 2020
Building with Textiles, Technical University Munich, GER 2020
Reflections on Affordable Palace, Biennial Tbilisi, TAB 2020, Birzhastation, GEO 2020
Bauen mit Müll, Webinar für Architects for Future, GER 2021
"Abstraktion und Reduktion", white box Künstleratelier, GER 2020
lecture, School of Architecture at the Academy of Fine Arts Prague, CZE 2020
guest lecture, Lehrstuhl für Gestalten und Darstellung, HSWT, GER 2020
lecture, art & friends, Munich, GER 2020
lecture, Munich Creative Business Week, GER 2020
lecture, IID Association, Chicago, USA 2019
podium discussion "politics and architecture", Victoria & Albert Museum, GBR 2019
lecture "The Power of Speculative Design", London Design Week, GBR 2019
guest lecturers, Lehrstuhl für Gestalten und Darstellung, HSWT, GER 2019
lecture, whitebox Künstleratlier, GER 2019
lecture, Figurationen der Wohnungslosigkeit, TH Nürnberg, GER 2018
lecture, Architekturgalerie München, GER 2016
Lehre I teaching
"Architettura Attivista", visiting professorship, Università Roma Tre, ITA 2024
guest lecturer, University College Dublin, IRE, 2024
visiting professorship, Arusha Technical College, TZA 2023
guest lecturer, Kyoto University, JPA 2023
lecturer, University of Applied Science, GER 2023
Architecture and Construction, Prof. Kuo, TU Munich, GER 2023
guest lecturer, Umeå School of Architecture, SWE 2022
Architecture and Construction, Prof. Kuo, TU Munich, GER 2022
guest lectures, University Of Applied Science HSWT, GER 2022
Baukonstruktion, Prof. Musso, Technical University of Munich, GER 2021
"Utopian Architecture", guest seminar, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, GER 2021
Baukonstruktion, Prof. Musso Technical University of Munich, GER 2020
guest studio, School of Architecture at the Academy of Fine Arts Prague, CZE 2020
Baukonstruktion, Technical University of Munich, GER 2019
University of Applied Science Weihenstephan Triesdorf, GER 2018
Baukonstruktion, Prof. Musso, Technical University of Munich, GER 2017
Grundlagen der Gestaltung, Prof. Graff, Technical University of Munich, GER 2015
Grundlagen der Gestaltung, Prof. Graff, Technical University of Munich, GER 2014
Grundlagen der Gestaltung, Prof. Graff, Technical University of Munich, GER 2013
Gastkritik I guestcritics
guest critic, Moving and Landscape, Royal Danish Academy, DEN 2021
guest critic, Urban Design, Prof. Boucsein, TU Munich, GER 2021
guest critic, Elements and Enclosure, New York Institute of Technology, USA 2021
guest critic, Political Architecture: Critical Sustainability, PA:CS, DEN 2021
guest critic Studio "Out Of Waste", University of Applied Science, Munich, GER 2020
Datenschutz I privacy protection
Opposite Office, Benedikt Hart
Schäftlarnstr. 10, 81371 Munich
The job title "architect" was awarded in Germany.
Benedikt Hartl is a member of the Bavarian Chamber of Architects, Waisenhausstraße 4, 80637 Munich, membership number BAYAK. 189.214
The professional regulations, in particular the Architects Act, can be viewed at https://www.byak.de
VAT: DE321328139
Information on professional liability insurance:
AIA Architects Insurance, Kaistrasse 13, 40221 Düsseldorf
This imprint also applies to https://www.instagram.com/oppositeoffice